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Rosewood Hills Brumby Rescue

Re-homing our Snowy Brumbies

Home: Welcome

Rosewood Hills Brumby Rescue at a Glance

Rehoming our Snowy Brumbies

Brumbies make versatile mounts for adults and children alike. They are usually solid ponies and horses with good feet and are easy keepers. They have beautiful personalities and are mostly easy to train. Our aim is to find loving, permanent homes for brumbies who have been removed from their natural environment and would otherwise face a grim future. We work with NSW forestry and National Parks to find families for brumbies trapped in our local area. We have limited ability to hold large numbers for long but will be able to handle and halter break if required. We have facilities to load unhandled horses into crates and trucks.

Home: Who We Are

Ways We Help

Re-homing our Snowy Brumbies


Our Aim

Ideally we would love to see the brumbies remain free in their mountain homes forever. Unfortunately due to the large number of horses moving into private land and onto main roads, higher authorities have made the decision to remove them. The best we can do is to try our hardest to find homes for as many of these beautiful creatures as we can.

Robert Dodwell has been a brumby enthusiast all his life. He has broken in and kept many brumbies as ponies for his own and other pony club children to learn on. He has been a registered trapper with State Forests NSW and has re-homed horses for National Parks for the past 6 years. Robert has re-homed over 100 horses during his career so far.


Robert and I have joined forces this year to try and re-home more brumbies using social media and the internet. So far we have been working with other re-homing groups in Victoria and have managed to save over 30 horses so far. 

Services Offered

We are able to handle and halter break brumbies if required. Full breaking services can also be arranged. The facilities where the brumbies available for re homing are held have a loading race and ramp to allow unhandled horses to be safely loaded onto creates and trucks.

Home: What We Do

One of our precious brumbies "Paddy" taking out the brumby section at Adelong show in 2018.

Home: Quote

Contact Rosewood Hills Brumby Rescue

Berry Road Rosewood, 2652

0438 485 125

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